q       Articles

C#2 and nullable types  

C#2 and generics  

Iterators in C#2  

Anonymous methods in C#2  

MVP Summit 2004 

Understand unit testing 

The fragile base class problem

Tips on C# programming (2nd edition) 

Synchronization domains

Summary of PDC 2003 

CLR runtime host and the CLR API profiling

Read only objects with C# 

Understand Aspect Oriented Programming

Tips on C# programming

Processus, Threads and Synchronization

.NET tricks


q      Tool



q      .NET, C#, POO et Design Patterns

Course introduction to .NET | Course assemblies | Course Visual Studio .NET | Course types in .NET | Course C# langage | Course others technologies about .NET | Lab csc.exe and ildasm.exe | Lab numerical signature | Lab Visual Studio .NET | Lab C# mecanisms | Lab polymorphism with C# | Lab Winform | Lab design pattern singleton | Lab design pattern command | design pattern proxy | design pattern composite | Source code for Labs


q       C++, STL, POO et Design Patterns

Course C++/STL | Lab Intro VC++ (1) | Lab Intro VC++ (2) | Lab C++ simples mécanisms | Lab polymorphism with C++ | Lab design pattern singleton | Lab design pattern proxy | Lab design pattern composite | Lab design pattern command | Lab design pattern observer | Lab design pattern visitor | Exam 2002


q       Windows NT/2000/XP

Course developing in Windows environment | Lab static lib and DLLs | Lab registry | Lab process thread synchro | Lab thread local storage | Exam 2001 | Exam 2002   


q      COM+/ADO enterprises services

A 3-tiered transactional architecture with COM+ | Exam 2001


All these courses and labs were initially done for LPMI (License Professionnelle des Métiers de l’Informatique) in Nice university 2001/2002/2003.

You can use these courses an lab if you don’t intent to earn money with it.

Contact me before any non personnal use.

These courses and labs are lights versions of my professional trainings.